Survey on Data Stewards in Italy: For mapping professionals supporting research data management.
The survey aims to identify the presence of Data Stewards in Italian Universities and Research Institutions.
A Data Steward is a professional specialised in research data management and plays a crucial role in promoting open science. They act as an intermediary between researchers, infrastructures, and research organizations, providing technical, disciplinary, and legal support in data management.
Data Stewards work closely with researchers to ensure that research data is managed responsibly and respectful of privacy and intellectual property rights. They can help researchers write Data Management Plans (DMP), identify best practices for data management, ensure data accessibility and sharing, comply with data protection regulations, and contribute to managing the institutional repository.
This survey activity is carried out by ICDI (Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure), the co-ordinator of the Skills4EOSC project, which aims at creating a European network of competence centres to spread a real culture of open science and which among its activities envisages activating and supporting professional networks of data stewards with the objective of strengthening lifelong learning through peer exchange. The survey was developed with the collaboration of UNIBO (Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna), GARR and IIT (Italian Institute of Technology).
The survey is open until May 31, 2023, and is addressed to all interested parties who can respond on a personal level and on behalf of their institution. Survey participants will also be able to join the establishment of the national Data Steward network. The survey results will be analyzed and published, providing a mapping of professionals supporting research data management in Italy, a first step in establishing a national community of Data Stewards.