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GARR hosts a webinar on how to apply to the national program for schools on Cultural Heritage

Pubblicato il 20 June 2017

In collaboration with GARR, the DiCultHer network offers an informative webinar to support school to apply to the PON-MIUR Prot. 4427/17 expiring on 10 July 2017.

The initiative is aimed at schools wishing to enhance education on cultural, artistic and landscape heritage.
The objective is to raise students' awareness of their cultural, artistic and landscape heritage with the goal of educating them on its protection, by transmitting them the value it has for the community, and by fully exploiting the common good and the potential that it can generate for the democratic development of the Country.

DiCultHer, a networking agreement for the dissemination of digital skills in the field of cultural heritage and it organises the webinar that will be held on June 23 at 9.30 am on the WebMeetings platform. During the webinar you will be able to intervene by asking questions directly to the trainer.

The event will be in Italian only.

Further information