Digital identities: Idem Day back in May
The Idem Day will be held in Rome from 7 to 9 May, at the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). The Idem Day is the annual opportunity for a face-to-face meeting between all the representatives of the IDEM Federation and anyone is interested in accessing online resources through unique and federated credentials.
The program includes Open Space Technology sessions and the meeting of the Assembly of the IDEM Federation members about updates on the activities and services of the federation and the renewal of the members. On the first day the program includes training courses about the installation of the automated Shibboleth v3.0, IdP update and activation and configuration of federated electronic resources for libraries. The evolution of the digital library will be also a topic of discussion: access to electronic resources, the creation and care of data and the new federated services as the GARR Virtual Organization Platform. On May 9th a speech will be held by AgID about the integration between SPID and eIDAS, especially focusing on the way eGOV-ID becomes European.
Training courses
- La biblioteca federata - Attivazione e configurazione delle risorse elettroniche federate
- Shibboleth IdP v3 automatizzato: installazione e configurazione di base di Shibboleth
- Aggiornamento IdP e nuovi standard: Migrazione da IdP v2 a v3, nuove Entity Categories e il REFEDS Assurance Framework