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GÉANT Innovation Program - an opportunity to test innovative ideas

Pubblicato il 05 February 2021

The GÉANT Innovation Program is a new initiative within the European National Research and Education Networks and their user community to support innovative proposals and ideas.

A unique opportunity to test new projects in a real environment with lean and fast administrative procedures.

As part of the GÉANT Community Programme (GCP), the GÉANT Association has reserved EUR 300k to support an Innovation Programme for specific research projects to be carried out by the GÉANT Community, i.e. GÉANT Member NRENs, universities, research and education institutions/institutes or other such legal entities to which a GÉANT Association Member NREN provides services.

Ideas on any subject can be proposed as long as they fall within GÉANT mandate: networking, cloud, security, trust & Identity, education. Any proposal that demonstrates a strong impact and creates benefits for the European research and education community will be welcomed and evaluated.

Examples of previous innovations developed within the GÉANT community include services that today are widely adopted, such as eduroam, eduVPN and eduMEET.

The evaluation will be based on criteria of quality, innovation, potential impact and value for money.

Proposals can be submitted by a single organisation or by a small consortium and can be sent at any time without set dates, starting from 23 February. Evaluations will take place on a monthly basis and will be done quickly, following a simple validation process that will involve experts from the community itself.

Projects may obtain funds up to 30,000 euros, for a duration not exceeding 9 months. Co-financing is not required, although its presence will be considered favourably in the evaluation.

On the occasion of the launch of the program on 23 February, at 11 am CET, an infoshare will be held: an informative webinar in which details and methods of participation will be illustrated!

Further information