Alessandra Petrucci
Alessandra Petrucci, rector of the University of Florence since September 2021, graduated in Civil Engineering in Florence, where she obtained the title of PhD in Applied Statistics
Since 1997 Researcher of Statistics at the Faculty of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri", in 2002 she became Associate Professor of Statistics at the Faculty of Psychology. Since 2015 she is full professor of Social Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Informatics, Applications "Giuseppe Parenti". In Florence University she was a member of the Board of Directors (2013-2016) and, since 2016, director of the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "Giuseppe Parenti" and member of the Academic Senate.
From 2007 to 2014 she was a member of the National University Council (CUN) for the area of economic and statistical sciences. She was chairman of the Conference of Directors of the Departments of Economic Sciences and Statistics in the two-year period 2019-2020 and chairman of the ANVUR Advisory Committee from 2016 to 2020. From 30 June 2022 she is a member of the CUN representing the Conference of Italian University Rectors.