Big Data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and in particular how artificial intelligence is changing the formulation of diagnosis and treatment in medicine, the new network model and security: here are some of the main topics covered in this issue.
Last 6 December, the new 100 Gbps research link between Singapore and Japan, was launched.
GARR has announced the result of a new technological innovation that has made it possible for the Italian research and education network to increase its performance by about 5 times, reaching potential capacity up to 8 Tbps.
The new version of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the GARR Network, approved on last 6th November by the BoD, is now online.
During the last GÉANT General Assembly, held on 23 November in Prague, attendees voted for four open GÉANT Board positions.
The physicist Adalberto Giazotto, the pioneer of gravitational wave research and creator of the Virgo detector, built in Italy, at Cascina, in the Pisan countryside by INFN and the CNRS (Center National de la Recherche Scientifique) has died.
This week’s exciting announcements from the LIGO and Virgo teams of the first observations of a “Kilonova” (The merging of two neutron stars generating both gravitational waves and a range of electromagnetic waves) on the 17th August 2017 demonstrates the power and value of international collaborations.
In September 2015 physics and astronomy researchers around the world celebrated the discovery of gravitational waves, produced by the merger of two black holes at the centre of the galaxy.
The call for papers for the TNC2018 conference, to be hosted in Trondheim from 10 to 14 June 2018 by the Norwegian R&E network UNINETT, is now open
LoLa technology (Low Latency) was presented in Estonia at the "Music without Borders" concert concert held in the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater in front of EU Ministers who gathered in Tallinn for the 2nd Eastern Partnership ministerial meeting on the digital economy
On 19 September 2017, the University of Catania held a series of events to celebrate 25 years of the Internet Society and the Italian presence from its very beginning, which was made possible by the engagement of Stefano Trumpy and the former GARR director Enzo Valente.
The Call for Papers of 2017 GARR conference is open until 20 September. The event, The data way to Science, which will take place in Venice from 15 to 17 November.